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Finding Ticks On Your Dog: Where To Look & What You Should Do

Finding Ticks On Your Dog: Where To Look & What You Should Do

As the sun shines brighter and the days get longer, it's time to gear up for some outdoor adventures with your dogs. However, along with the joys of the great outdoors, we must also be aware of the presence of ticks. These tiny creatures can pose a risk to your dog's health. In this blog, brought to you by WOW Grooming, your trusted grooming product company based in the UK, we'll explore where dogs can pick up ticks and provide guidance on how to thoroughly check for these pests. Remember, if you do find a tick, it's essential to seek advice from your groomer or vet for safe removal and further guidance.

Where Ticks Lurk: Ticks are commonly found in environments such as tall grass, woodlands, and moorlands. These parasites have a particular affinity for warm and moist areas on your dog's body, such as the armpits, groin, and ears. Surprisingly, they can also be found in between their teeth and gums too.  When taking your dog for a walk or allowing them to explore outdoor spaces, these tick habitats should be on your radar.

The Importance of Thorough Checks: Regularly inspecting your dog for ticks is a crucial part of preventive care. When conducting a thorough check, be sure to examine their entire body, paying close attention to the areas mentioned earlier. Ticks can be as small as a pinhead or as large as a grape, so a meticulous examination is necessary to spot them.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a thorough check:

  1. Find a Quiet Environment: Choose a calm and quiet area where your dog feels comfortable and relaxed.

  2. Run Your Hands Through Their Coat: Starting from the head, gently run your hands along your dog's body, paying attention to any unusual bumps or lumps.

  3. Part the Fur: Use your fingers to carefully part the fur and visually inspect the skin beneath. Look out for any dark specks or moving objects.

  4. Check Warm and Moist Areas: Pay extra attention to the armpits, mouth, groin, and ears, as these are favoured spots for ticks.

  5. Seek Professional Advice: If you discover a tick or are uncertain about any findings during the check, it's essential to reach out to your groomer or vet for expert advice. They can guide you on safe removal methods and provide further recommendations tailored to your dog's specific needs.

Prevention is Better Than Cure: While thorough checks are crucial, prevention remains the most effective approach to combat tick-related issues. Maintaining a clean and well-maintained outdoor living area can reduce tick habitats and minimise the risk of infestation and keeping a tick removal tool in your home will help too.

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